Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Help

Once we are aware and educated about the mass endangerment and extinction of amphibians, we can begin to help. We have realized that amphibians are affected at unusually high numbers due to environmental issues that we have caused. Amphibians are an important part of the ecosystem, and without them, we could face many consequences. Now what? Now, we help! 


After reading this blog, you already got the ball rolling on step one! However, there is much more you can do to help the amphibians. One way to do this is by staying informed about legislation that effects your local frog population. This can help frogs avoid habitat destruction, deforestation and disease. 

This point tends to sound like a bigger commitment than it actually requires. There are several simple ways to protect the environment. 

a. Start by watching what you throw away and where you throw it away to help protect amphibian habitats. 
b. Refrain from introducing non-native plants and animals to new environments. This relates to the worldwide frog trade, primarily concerning bullfrogs, I mentioned in my previous blog posts. 
c. Reduce the amount of chemicals we put into the environment. You can do this by buying organic food that does not use pesticides.
d. Don't flush medicines down the toilet! Medicine easily gets into the water and poisons it for the amphibians.
e. Conserve less water because the less water we use and contaminate, the better for the amphibians.  

If you are able, then putting money towards a campaign such as Save the Frogs, Amphibian Ark, or Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. If your not able to donate money, volunteering for one of these campaigns is always a good option. Lastly, spread the word! The best way to get volunteers and people motivated is by talking about this issue. Many aren't educated enough to understand how serious this problem is, so do all you can to get the information out there. 

Popular Amphibians

For this post, rather than visiting websites focused on saving amphibians, I visited websites about the general amphibian species. I was curious to see if most amphibian sites discuss the mass endangerment and extinction, even if it's not in the website's title or information. Fortunately, most websites that focus on amphibian life discuss the vast and speedy decline of the species, but not all.

The first website I visited focused on all species. If you go into popular species and then choose amphibians, an array of different amphibian species, videos, and photos appear. The page opens up with a description of what an amphibian is, an example of a few amphibians, and the explanation that around 41% of amphibians are at risk for extinction. The first amphibian offered to explore is the Chinese giant salamander. The Chinese salamander lives underwater in cold and fast running rivers and streams. The Chinese giant salamander is classified as critically endangered on the IUNC red list. They're critically endangered due to hunting, habitat loss, deforestation, pesticides and climate change. Even having just one of these could pose as a problem, but since the Chinese giant salamander has to deal with all of these environmental issues, it's no wonder they're critically endangered.

The next website I explored compared the loss of amphibian life today to the extinction of dinosaurs because they are the only comparable species to this fast and immense extinction. This comparison put the seriousness of amphibian endangerment and extinction into perspective because it discusses the reality of the entire species going extinct. Dinosaurs are known as "before our time" and the fact that frogs, salamanders and toads could possibly be thrown into this category is catastrophic. Dinosaur extinction dealt with factors such as extreme drought, flooding, ice ages, and several other natural disasters. However, the extinction of frogs, toads and salamanders would be caused because of human's carelessness with how we treat the environment. These facts should be enough to motivate people towards change.

The final website I analyzed was a website designed for children to learn about amphibians. This website discussed how amphibians are named and classified. One fun fact I learned visiting this site is that the word amphibian means "two-lives." There are three other facts listed on this page of the website including how they grow, that they're cold-blooded, and that there are over 4,000 amphibian species that exist. Unfortunately, this website's page did not discuss the endangerment and extinction of amphibians. While this is a children's website and they want to keep the information understandable and interesting, I think it is extremely important to educate children about amphibian's critical case of endangerment. Children are our future, therefore, they should know more than anyone about the environmental issues in today's society. If we can interest children in this issue, educate them about how to help, and motivate them to get involved then they could improve the situation we have gotten ourselves and this species into.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Join Save the Frogs!

"Save the Frogs" is a great way to become educated about the amphibian decline, learn how to help, and learn how to spread the word. "Save the Frogs" has an interactive website where you can choose between multiple different topics to either learn about the decline, find where to donate, see what events are happening and more. Events Save the Frog sponsor include speeches by the founder at different universities, screenings of documentaries, and hands-on activities to help the cause at lakes and marinas around the country and world. Save the Frogs also holds contests on their site where people can submit poetry and art. The best poems they receive will be used in a book of frog poetry that will be sold to raise money for amphibian conservation efforts. This book will also include the winning artwork from the art contest on the site. I decided to write a poem for this blog inspired by the Save the Frogs contest:


Wasn't Me
by: Jessica Fullam

Frogs, salamanders, and toads
All have seen better days
Will my children know
Of these wonderful creatures?
Declining quickly day by day
Who is to blame for all of this?
Humans are bad; causing harm
But it wasn't me I insist
You seem nice, it couldn't be you
We would never hurt a frog
So who is it then, who?
If we don't change our actions
Then it is me. It is you. 

I wrote this poem to emphasize that many of us care about the issues in the environment, but none of us want to take responsibility for consequences that occur due to our careless actions. We are aware that  "humans" are causing the damage to the environment, but as individuals it is difficult to own up to our mistakes and begin to change our actions. I used an apocalyptic approach at the beginning of my poem to emphasis the quick rates that amphibian species are becoming extinct and endangered. By the end of the first decade of the 21st century, 200 frog species had become extinct and another 2,000 frog species were on the verge of extinction.The continued existence of the frogs is not guaranteed. The fate of the  remaining frogs depend on the actions of humans who care, spread the word, and are motivated to help.

There are different options for joining Save the Frogs listed on their website. You can either get different levels of membership depending on how much you would like to donate, and the higher member you get means more benefits. Some of these benefits include the monthly newsletter, postcards, bumper stickers, T-shirts, and more. If you're low on cash or don't feel comfortable committing to a membership, you can always sign up to be a volunteer. Volunteers can sign up on the website and check out different ways to help, either in everyday life or on a set mission. Doing either of these things, or even just going to the website and reading through ways you can help everyday can make a huge difference in the environment and help save frogs. Like I said in my poem, "If we don't change our actions, then it is me. It is you."